Jonathan C. Glorial, Genesis G. Camarista and Rechilda P. Villame
Grade School, Grade 3
Promotes pupils’ character development and establishes their value system!
Worktext. Various features are provided to develop and enhance pupil’s mathematical skills in every level. Every lesson in the series contains the following:
Lesson Target—A clear statement of what the pupils are expected to achieve at the end of the lesson
Did You Know That—Bits of information on a wide range of topics that may be used as springboard in the development of the lesson and provides integration of the lesson with other subject areas
Think and Share—A comprehensive discussion of the concepts and skills complete with illustrative examples
Math Ideas—A summary of the key concepts discussed in the lesson
Guided Practice—Drill exercises meant to be solved by the pupils with the teacher’s assistance and designed to reinforce the concepts discussed and to prepare the pupils to work independently
Think and Answer—Drill exercises and problems that must be done by the pupils with little or no assistance and designed to enrich the learnings from the previous sections
Think Ahead—Challenging problems or enjoyable activities designed to develop pupil’s higher order thinking skills