Ma. Evalou Concepcion, Agustin Avelina J. Gil, Carleen S. Sedilla and Araceli M. Villamin
Junior High School, Grade 8
Polishes students’ communication arts skills as it kindles fascination with the English literature.
Offers well-designed lessons, each beginning with a literary selection—a story, a poem, an essay, a play, or a cartoon—which serves as a springboard for activities that seek to develop and enhance the students’ English competence
Promotes effective communication skills by using operational and interactive exercises classified into four groups, namely: (1) listening and speaking, (2) language and grammar, (3) reading and literary appreciation, and (4) writing and spelling
Lines up choiced literary selections that are sure to capture and satisfy Filipino learners’ reading interest Provides student-centered activities specially crafted to set the communication skills into practice and allow skills mastery
Affords students’ ease in the give-andtake of formal and informal speeches in English and the capacity to read and write using the language with skills and confidence
Follows the P4 Paradigm (Preparation Presentation Practice Performance) for a more organized and guided monitoring of students’ progress
The textbook employs the interactive approach for an effective language and literature program. Each lesson advances students’ skills through exercises in the following areas in communication arts:
Listening and Speaking utilizes group interaction in credible social situations where students ask and answer questions or express their needs and opinions in verbal or nonverbal forms.
Language and Grammar enriches high schoolers’ mastery of English grammar and usage.
Reading Literary Appreciation refines students’ vocabulary, comprehension, and study skills.
Writing and Spelling involves practical and creative writing exercises (such as filling out forms and writing compositions) and provides ample practice on how to write accurately and confidently.